1. "Box" type tests are performed on capsules (and not onmodels). No work is carried out on the competition area, the boxesmust be prepared in advance by the candidate and brought to the site of thecompetition.
  2. It is possible to present up to two different boxes at the same timetest. In this case, additional registration fees apply to thesecond box.
  3. The candidate must prepare the capsules and mount them in an open box(or with transparent cover) or a board.
  4. The capsules must be fixed on a black background.
  5. All boxes must be given to the judges on Saturday, February 29, 2020 between 7.30 and 8.30 am under penalty of disqualification.
  6. The boxes of all candidates will be displayed to the public in the area ofcompetition during the two days of the competition.
  7. Candidates will no longer be able to access their boxes from the beginning to the end of thecompetition.
  8. It is possible to reuse a box already submitted to other INJA competitionsunless the latter has already received a trophy in any division (in 1st,2nd or 3rd place), regardless of the country where this box was awarded. Thejudges have an image bank to verify that no box havingalready won a prize in another INJA competition is not presented again.
  9. Candidates must pick up their boxes at the end of the competition. Hecompetitors are responsible for resuming their work at the time and place of workdesignated. Paintings left after the end of the competition maypossibly be returned at the candidate's expense if they so wish.The organization declines any responsibility if a box not claimed at the endthe competition is damaged or lost, especially during transportback.
  10. The boxes can be purchased or manufactured by the competitor.
  11. The exact size of the boxes is not imposed but no side must bemeasure more than 25.5 centimetres and the box must not measure more than 25.5 centimetresonly 10 centimeters high.Judges may refuse any box that does not comply with themaximum dimensions required.